Abab Subdistrict in Figures 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency

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Abab Subdistrict in Figures 2018

Catalog Number : 1102001.1612030
Publication Number : 16120.1804
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : September 26, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.56 MB


The publication book "Kecamatan Abab Dalam Angka Year 2018" is an annual publication series that presents various types of data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), various agencies at the sub-district level, and other agencies in the Muara Enim Regency. This publication book is expected to provide an overview of the conditions and sectoral potential of sub-districts in the Muara Enim Regency, which will be useful for bureaucrats, researchers, policy makers, and the private sector as a reference in determining policies and planning in their respective fields.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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